Phobos online Wikia

Welcome to the Phobos Wiki

Welcome to the Phobos Online Wikipedia! The free database of information regarding the free massive multiplayer online role playing game Phobos Online. Created, maintained and perfected by you!

Want to update?

If you want to update pages on this wiki, you will be required to "Source Edit", using the Classic editor. To do so, click the drop box next to "Edit", and click Classic Editor, from there, you can click "Source" in the upper right side of the screen. This is necessary, as many pages have script in them that will otherwise become broken. Thank you.

To edit creatures, or add new creatures, you will need to use the Creature template. To do so, go into source edit mode, and place the following.

|hit points=

Of course, you will then need to fill out the information, but this will give you the classic, uniform look that we all hope to find in our pages.

Open BETA Release!

Myth Entertainment has finally released the Open BETA version of Phobos Online! It is available to play right away to everyone. Go to the forums and you will gain access to the BETA server. To do this, visist and go to the forums where you can find information on either submitting an application form for access to the BETA.

June 6, 2016
